Henny Penny 600 Fryer User Manual

Model 500/600
Electric Model 500
Hot shortening must always be at the upper level indicator line
(Figure 3-4). Failure to follow these instructions could result in
a fire and/or damage to the fryer.
When using solid shortening, it is recommended to melt
the shortening on an outside heating source before placing it in
the frypots. The elements on electric fryers must be completely
submerged when power is turned on. Fire or damage to the
frypot could result.
1. Henny Penny recommends using a high quality frying peanut oil in
the pressure fryer. Some low grade peanut oils have a high mois-
ture content which causes foaming and boiling over.
To avoid severe burns when pouring hot shortening into
frypot, wear gloves and take care to avoid splashing.
2. The electric model requires 48 lbs (21.8 Kgs) of peanut oil. The
frypot has 2 level indicator lines inscribed on the rear wall of the
frypot, and the heated peanut oil is at the proper level when it’s at
the upper indicator line. Figure 3-4.
3. Cold peanut oil should be filled to 1/4 to 1/2 inch below the upper
indicator line on electric units. The peanut oil expands when heated
and should be even with the upper indicator line when the peanut oil
is at cooking temperature.
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Figure 3-4