Henny Penny 600 Fryer User Manual

Model 500/600
lid handle a handle that is attached to the lid and is used to lower the lid into contact with
the frypot; the handle is then pulled forward and pushed down to lock the lid in
place (see lid latch)
lid latch a mechanical catch on the front of the fryer lid that engages a bracket located on
the front of the frypot; the latch holds the lid down while it is being locked into
manual shutoff valve a valve located between the fryer and the wall that shuts off the flow of gas from
(gas fryers only) the supply line; this is not the main shutoff valve for the store
P-H-T the automatic control of pressure, heat, and time to produce appealing food
pilot orifice a controlled opening for the pilot light located on the burner assembly
(gas fryers only)
pilot light a small flame that remains burning even when the fryer is not in use; the flame
(gas fryers only) ignites the gas when the fryer is turned on
poker brush a brush that is included with the fryer that is used to clear the drain in the bottom
of the frypot. (also referred to as straight brush)
power/pump switch a three-way switch located on the front control panel of the fryer that serves as
an off/on switch and a filter switch
pressure gauge the gauge located on the left rear corner of the frypot that shows the pressure
inside the frypot
pressure pad a piece of plastic on eight head fryers located between the lid locking arm and the
lid casting that helps create the seal for the lid; only a service technician should
perform maintenance or repair on the pressure pad
product a food item cooked in the fryer
ready the starting, preset cooking temperature, at which product is placed in the
safety relief valve a spring loaded valve that automatically releases excess pressure if the operating
valve becomes obstructed; if the safety release valve activates, turn the Power/
Pump switch to “OFF” to release all pressure from the frypot
setpoint a preset cooking temperature; the setpoint is a programmable feature
shipping spacer a spacer located in the deadweight assembly for protection during shipment
shortening mixing system an automatic system on eight head fryers that periodically uses the filter pump to
mix the shortening in the frypot to prevent an accumulation of moisture to
minimize the boiling action in the frypot
sift breading the process of removing clumps from breading
G-4 303