Henny Penny 600 Fryer User Manual

Model 500/600
Problem Cause Correction
C. Too Light (all batches) Temperature probe out of See Diagnostic Mode D 1
calibration to adjust color of product
Check temperature probe cali-
bration; see Checking Tempera-
ture Probe Calibration Section;
if less than 15 degrees off, have
probe calibrated; if more than
15 degrees off, replace probe
Slow fryer heat-up/recovery See Diagnostic Mode D 4
for present day’s performance;
or see Information Modes 5, 6,
7, 8, and 9 for more information
on this problem
Low voltage; see Diagnostic
Mode D 3 for present day’s
voltage performance; see
Information Modes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, and 15 for more information
on this problem
Low gas pressure; have gas
pressure checked going to
burners, on gas fryers
• Oil usage wasn’t set for new • See Diagnostic Mode D 2 for
peanut oil the age of the oil; see section
3-7 for setting the age of the oil
D. Too Light (some batches) •Temperature programmed too low See Diagnostic Mode D 10;
if temperature settings have
been changed, without authori-
zation, have the controls
Product placed in peanut oil If fryer hasn’t been used since
before proper temperature the problem batch, see Informa-
tion Mode 4 C; for more
information on this see Informa-
tion Modes 5 S, 6 S, 7 P, or 8 P
Wrong product button pushed If fryer hasn’t been used since
problem batch, see Information
Mode 4 B to see what product
was selected
803 5-3