C H A P T E R 3
Configuringyour room system’ssoftware
6. Click OK.
SMARTSettings closes.
7. Continue to the next procedure.
Making a test call
To make a test call
1. Click Lync Settings and then click Make a Test Call.
Lync Room System software makes a test call.
2. If the audio is too loud or tooquiet, adjust theaudio settings in the Lync Settings tab.
3. If adjusting the audio settings in the previous step didn’t resolve youraudio issues, do the
a. Click System Settings and then click Network Connections.
Control Panel appears.
b. Click Control Panel in the address bar.
c. Click Hardware and Sound andthen click Sound.
The Sound dialoguebox appears.
d. Click the Playback tab.
e. Right-click each playback device andselect Test to determine which device is
f. Right-click the working playback device and then select Set as Default Device.
g. Right-click all otherplayback devices and thenselect Disable.
h. Click OK in the Sound dialoguebox andthen click OK in Control Panel.
4. Make another test call.
5. Click Apply & Restart.
The Lync appliance restarts in user mode.
If the Lync appliance starts in administrator mode, click Apply & Restartagain to shut
down and start the Lync appliance in user mode.