Chapter 5 205
Language Reference
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt Subsection
Set Comment for Signals
:CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:COMMent:ALL <string>
Set comment for all signals.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: The comment is a string consisting of a single line of text with a
maximum length of text characters of 31. Characters in excess
of 31 are truncated.
Set Comment for Current Signal
:CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:COMMent:CURRent <string>
Set comment for current signal.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: The comment is a string consisting of a single line of text with a
maximum length of text characters of 31. Characters in excess
of 31 are truncated.
Set Comment for Marked Signals
:CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:COMMent:MARKed <string>
Set comment for all marked signals.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: The comment is a string consisting of a single line of text with a
maximum length of text characters of 31. Characters in excess
of 31 are truncated.
Delete Signal
:CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:DELete ALL|CURRent|MARKed| <integer>
Deletes all, current, marked, or specific signals from signal list.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: This command takes an <integer> value which
corresponds to the position of a signal in the signal list. Valid
range is 1 to 2000.
Front Panel
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Delete Signal