Chapter 5 227
Language Reference
CALCulate:MARKer Subsection
Default Unit: Matches the units of the trace on which the markers are
Front Panel
Marker, <active marker>, Span Pair
Delta Pair Markers Start Frequency X Value
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X:STARt <param>
Position the start (reference) frequency of the designated band-type marker pair, at
the specified trace X value. The value is in the X-axis units (which is often
frequency or time). Use :CALCulate:MARKer:MODE BAND to select band
The query returns the current X value start/reference frequency of the designated
Default Unit: Matches the units of the trace on which the markers are
Front Panel
Marker, <active marker>, Delta Pair
Delta Pair Markers Stop Frequency X Value
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X:STOP <param>
Position the stop frequency of the designated band-type marker pair, at the
specified trace X value. The value is in the X-axis units (which is often frequency
or time). Use :CALCulate:MARKer:MODE BAND to select band markers.
The query returns the current X value stop frequency of the designated marker.
Default Unit: Matches the units of the trace on which the markers are
Front Panel
Marker, <active marker>, Delta Pair
Marker Read Y Value
Read the current Y value for the designated marker or delta on its assigned trace.
The value is in the Y-axis units for the current trace (which is often dBm).
Default Unit: Matches the units of the trace on which the marker is positioned
Remarks: This command can be used to read the results of marker
functions such as band power and noise that are displayed in the
marker value field on the analyzer.