Chapter 5 305
Language Reference
SOURce Subsystem
CAUTION Power-level sensitive devices connected to the tracking generator output may be
accidentally damaged. This is because the actual source amplitude may be greater
than the amplitude indicated on the analyzer when the source attenuation is set
When source attenuation is set to manual
(:SOURce:POWer:ATTenuation:AUTO OFF), source amplitude may be set to
values beyond actual output levels to accommodate the full range of analyzer
capabilities. Therefore, exercise caution when connecting a power-level sensitive
device to the tracking generator output.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 97 dBµV
Range: EMC E7401A: 37 dBµV to 110 dBµV
EMC E7402A: 41 dBµV to 110 dBµV
EMC E7403A: 41 dBµV to 110 dBµV
EMC E7404A: 41 dBµV to 110 dBµV
EMC E7405A: 41 dBµV to 110 dBµV
Default Unit: dBm
Front Panel
Source, Amplitude On Off
Sets the Source Output Power Mode
Sets the source output to be at a single amplitude (fixed) or to sweep through a
range of power levels.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Fixed
Front Panel
Source, Power Sweep On Off
Set the Source Sweep Power Range
:SOURce:POWer:SPAN <rel_ampl>
Specifies the range of power levels through which the source output will sweep.
Use :SOURce:POWer:STARt to set the power level at the start of the power
sweep. This command is equivalent to :SOURce:POWer:SWEep.