266 Chapter 5
Language Reference
MMEMory Subsystem
Store a Trace in a File
:MMEMory:STORe:TRACe <label>,<file_name>
Saves the specified trace to a file in memory. The file name must have a file
extension of :trc or :csv. The file extension determines whether a trace is stored,
or a trace with its state, are stored. The :csv extension is for trace files using the
CSV (comma-separated values) format. The :trc extension is for files that include
both trace and state data.
Example: :MMEM:STOR:TRAC TRACE3,“C:mytrace.trc”
Range: Trace labels are: TRACE1|TRACE2|TRACE3|ALL
Remarks: This command will fail if the <file_name> already exists.
Front Panel
File, Save, Type, Trace