Agilent Technologies Model A.08.xx Water Dispenser User Manual

228 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate:NTData Subsection
CALCulate:NTData Subsection
Normalize the Trace Data
:CALCulate:NTData[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
One sweep of trace data is copied to trace 3 (firmware version greater then
A.03.03, NRML in firmware version less than or equal to A.03.03), which is used as
the reference trace. Then for all subsequent trace sweeps, display trace 1 = data
collected into trace 1 data in trace 3 (firmware version greater than A.03.03,
NRML in firmware version less than or equal to A.03.03).
Front Panel
View/Trace, Normalize, Normalize On Off