Chapter 5 221
Language Reference
CALCulate:MARKer Subsection
Access: Peak Search (or Search), Search Criteria, Peak Search
Type, Max Value|Excursion & Threshold
Define Peak Threshold
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:THReshold <ampl>
Specifies the minimum signal level for the analyzers internal peak identification
routine to recognize a signal as a peak. This applies to all traces and all windows.
NOTE See command :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:SEARch:MODE
Range: Reference level to the bottom of the display
Default Unit: Amplitude units
Front Panel
Peak Search (or Search), Search Criteria, Peak Threshold
Peak to Peak Delta Markers
Positions delta markers on the highest and lowest points on the trace.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Front Panel
Peak Search (or Search), Pk-Pk Search
Set Center Frequency to the Marker Value
Sets the center frequency equal to the specified marker frequency, which moves the
marker to the center of the screen. In delta marker mode, the center frequency is set
to the marker delta value. This command is not available in zero span.
Front Panel
Marker –>, Mkr –> CF
Set Reference Level to the Marker Value
Sets the reference level to the specified marker amplitude. In delta marker mode,
the reference level is set to the amplitude difference between the markers.
Front Panel
Marker –>, Mkr –> Ref Lvl
. Peak Search (or Search), Meas Tools, Mkr –> Ref Lvl