Chapter 5 277
Language Reference
[:SENSe]:CORRection Subsection
Default Unit: There are no units on the frequency and amplitude pairs. They
must be entered in hertz (Hz) and decibels (dB).
Remarks: CSET number equivalents to front panel access definitions are
as follows:
CSET or CSET1 is Antenna
CSET2 is Cable
CSET3 is Other
CSET4 is User
Front Panel
Amplitude/Y Scale, Corrections, Antenna, Edit
Point|Frequency|Amplitude|Delete Point
Amplitude/Y Scale, Corrections, Cable, Edit
Point|Frequency|Amplitude|Delete Point
Amplitude/Y Scale, Corrections, Other, Edit
Point|Frequency|Amplitude|Delete Point
Amplitude/Y Scale, Corrections, User, Edit
Point|Frequency|Amplitude|Delete Point
Merge Additional Values into the Existing
Amplitude Correction Data
Adds the points with the specified values to the current amplitude correction data,
allowing you to merge correction data. If too much data is merged, as many points
as possible are merged into the existing data and then an error is reported.
• <freq> is the frequency (in Hz) where the correction should be applied; no
unit is allowed in this parameter
• <rel_ampl> is the amount of relative amplitude correction (in dB) needed; no
unit is allowed in this parameter
Remarks: CSET number equivalents to front panel access definitions are
as follows:
CSET or CSET1 is Antenna
CSET2 is Cable
CSET3 is Other
CSET4 is User