Failure to follow this warning could result in personal
injury or death.
The unit must be electrically grounded in accordance
with local codes and NEC ANSI/NFPA 70 (American
National Standards Institute/National Fire Protection
Use the Carrier network communication software to start
up and configure the PremierLink controller.
Changes can be made using the ComfortWORKSr
software, ComfortVIEWt software, Network Service
Tool, System Pilott device, or Touch Pilott device. The
System Pilot and Touch Pilot are portable interface
devices that allow the user to change system set--up and
setpoints from a zone sensor or terminal control module.
During start--up, the Carrier software can also be used to
verify communication with PremierLink controller.
NOTE: All set--up and setpoint configurations are factory
set and field--adjustable.
For specific operating instructions, refer to the literature
provided with user interface software.
Perform System Check--Out
1. Check correctness and tightness of all power and
communication connections.
2. At the unit, check fan and system controls for proper
3. At the unit, check electrical system and connections
of any optional electric reheat coil.
4. Check to be sure the area around the unit is clear of
construction dirt and debris.
5. Check that final filters are installed in the unit. Dust
and debris can adversely affect system operation.
6. Verify that the PremierLink controls are properly con-
nected to the CCN bus.
Initial Operation and Test
Perform the following procedure:
1. Apply 24 vac power to the control.
2. Connect the service tool to the phone jack service
port of the controller.
3. Using the Service Tool, upload the controller from
address 0, 31 at 9600 baud rate. The address may be
set at this time. Make sure that Service Tool is con-
nected to only one unit when changing the address.
DIP switch 4 causes an E--squared memory reset to
factory defaults after the switch has been moved from
position 0 to position 1 and the power has been restored.
To enable the feature again, the switch must be put back
to the 0 position and power must be restored; this prevents
subsequent resets to factory defaults if the switch is left at
position 1.
To cause a reset of the non--volatile memory (to factory
defaults), turn the controller power off if it is on, move the
switch from position 1 to position 0, and then apply power
to the controller for a minimum of 5 seconds. At this
point, no action occurs, but the controller is now ready for
the memory to reset. Remove power to the controller
again and move the switch from position 0 to position 1.
This time, when power is applied, the memory will reset
to factory defaults. The controller address will return to
bus 0 element 31, indicating that memory reset occurred.
Refer to Installation Instruction 33CS--58SI for full
discussion on configuring the PremierLink control system.
Field Service Test, explained below, will assist in proper
start--up. Configuration of unit parameters, scheduling
options, and operation are also discussed in this section.
Field Service Test
The Field Service Test function can be used to verify
proper operation of compressors, heating stages, indoor
fan, power exhaust fans, economizer, and
dehumidification. Use of Field Service Test is
recommended at initial system start up and during
troubleshooting. See Form 48--50H--T--2T, Appendix A for
Field Service Test Mode table.
Field Service Test mode has the following changes from
normal operation:
S Outdoor air temperature limits for cooling circuits,
economizer, and heating are ignored.
S Normal compressor time guards and other staging delays
are ignored.
S The status of Alarms (except Fire and Safety chain) is
ignored but all alerts and alarms are still broadcasted on
the network.
Field Service Test can be turned ON/OFF at the unit
display or from the network. Once turned ON, other
entries may be made with the display or through the
network. To turn Field Service Test on, change the value
of Test Mode to ON, to turn Field Service Test off, change
the value of Test Mode to OFF.
NOTE: Service Test mode is password protected when
accessing from the display. Depending on the unit model,
factory--installed options, and field--installed accessories,
some of the Field Service Test functions may not apply.
The independent outputs (IndpOutputs) submenu is used
to change output status for the supply fan, economizer,
and Power Exhaust. These independent outputs can
operate simultaneously with other Field Service Test
modes. All outputs return to normal operation when Field
Service Test is turned off.
The Cooling submenu is used to change output status for
the individual compressors and the dehumidification relay.
Compressor starts are not staggered. The fans and heating
service test outputs are reset to OFF for the cooling
service test. Indoor fans and outdoor fans are controlled