Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-7
:CALCulate[1] Subsystem
Performs post-acquisition math (scale/offset) processing (on the data acquired by
a SENSe function) and data transfer of the scaled/offset result. See the :TRACe
subsystem for commands used to set the scale and offset.
Not until :CALCulate[1]:MATH:STATe is set to ON will any of the
:CALCulate[1] settings or :TRACe[:DATA] settings be used.
Queries the current scaled and offset measurement result .
• Result will be formatted according to :FORMat[:DATA] ASCii | REAL
• When ASCii format is used, numeric data is transferred as ASCII bytes in
<NR3> format. The number of significant digits will range from 1 to 15,
depending on the measurement resolution. Only significant digits will be
• If no valid result exists, Not a Number 9.91E37 is returned and error -230 is
• If the current measurement is Totalize or Voltage Peaks, Not a Number
9.91E37 is returned and error -221 is generated.
• Query only.
• If this command is issued when math is enabled and while a measurement is in
progress, no response will be produced until the measurement completes.
• This command holds off subsequent commands from being processed until a
measurement completes. This holdoff action can only be canceled by the
measurement completing, a device clear, or power cycle.
• The last calculated result remains valid until a new computation is made or a
relevant instrument state is modified.
Query Response