Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation
Status Reporting
3-26 Programming Guide
• Bit 3 (Device-Specific Error) is an event bit which indicates an operation
did not properly complete due to some condition of the Counter.
Errors -300 through -399 and all those with positive error numbers
(+2000 through ...) are device-specific errors.
• Bit 4 (Execution Error) is an event bit which indicates that a command
could not be executed 1) because the parameter was out of range or
inconsistent with the Counter ’s capabilities, or 2) because of some
condition of the Counter.
Errors -200 through -299 are execution errors.
• Bit 5 (Command Error) is an event bit which indicates one of the
following has occurred: 1) an IEEE 488.2 syntax error, 2) a semantic
error indicating an unrecognized command, or 3) a Group Execute
Trigger was entered into the input buffer inside of a program message.
• Bit 6 is not used.
• Bit 7 (Power On) is an event bit which indicates that an off-to-on
transition has occurred in the Counter ’s power supply.
Standard Event Status Enable Register
The Standard Event Status Enable Register selects which events in the Standard
Event Status Register are reflected in the ESB summary bit (bit 5) of the Status
Byte Register as shown in
Figure 3-8.
Use *ESE to write to this register and *ESE? to read this register.
Use *ESE 0 to clear the register. (Power-on also clears this register.)