Chapter 4 Command Reference
Measurement Instructions (:CONFigure, :FETCh, :MEASure, :READ)
4-56 Programming Guide
• Refer to the sub-section in this chapter titled “Descriptions of the
Measurement Functions” for descriptions of each measurement function.
• Refer to Table 4-1 in this section for a summary of the <function>,
<parameters>, and <source_list> for each of the measurement functions.
:MEASure[:SCALar]:<function>? <parameters> [,<source_list>]
This query provides a complete measurement sequence: configuration,
measurement initiation, and query for result. It is used when the generic
measurement is acceptable and fine adjustment of Counter settings is unnecessary.
Parameters (other than <source_list>) may be defaulted from the right by omitting
them, or anywhere by substituting the keyword DEFault. The <source_list>
parameter may be defaulted by omitting it. The default values are specified by the
particular function description.
Issuing this query while a measurement is in progress will result in this query
aborting the current measurement before initiating the desired measurement, and
then waiting for the measurement to complete. Consequently, this has the effect of
holding off further commands from being processed until the desired measurement
completes. This hold-off action can only be canceled by the measurement
completing, Device Clear, or power-on.
• Result will be formatted according to :FORMat[:DATA] ASCii | REAL
• When ASCii format is used, numeric data is transferred as ASCII bytes in
<NR3> format. The number of significant digits will range form 1 to 15,
depending on the measurement resolution.
• Refer to the sub-section in this section titled “Descriptions of the
Measurement Functions” for descriptions of each measurement function.
• Refer to Table 4-1 in this section for a summary of the <function>,
<parameters>, and <source_list> for each of the measurement functions.
• This command disables math, statistics, and limit-testing.
• If an absolute trigger level is not specified in the <parameters>, then when this
command executes, for functions other than Voltage Peaks (maximum,
minimum, peak-to-peak) or Totalize,
– auto-trigger is enabled,
– auto-trigger level(s) are set,
– auto-trigger is invoked on measurement channel(s).
Query Response