Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-13
:CALCulate2:LIMit:CLEar:AUTO <Boolean>
Sets or queries if the limit test results are to be cleared with each
:INITiate[:IMMediate] and :INITiate:CONTinuous ON operation.
• Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.
• A value of 0 indicates OFF; a value of 1 indicates ON.
• *RST: ON
• When AUTO is ON, the Counter will perform the following whenever
:INIT[:IMM] or :INIT:CONT ON is executed:
– Invalidate the limit data.
– Clear :CALC2:LIM:FAIL, :CALC2:LIM:FCOunt, and
:CALC2:LIM:PCOunt information.
– Turn off the front-panel display’s Limit annunciator.
– Set the Limit-Detect output of the RS-232 connector to the
in-limit voltage level.
• When AUTO is OFF, the only way to clear the limit-test results is to send
This command is an event that causes the Counter to
• immediately invalidate the limit data,
• clear the information in :CALC2:LIM:FAIL, :CALC2:LIM:FCOunt, and
• turn off the front-panel display’s Limit annunciator, and
• set the Limit-Detect output to its in-limit voltage level.
If :CALC2:LIM:STAT is OFF, error -221 is generated.
Query Response