Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-81
[:SENSe]:EVENt2:FEED “[:]INPut[1] | [:]INPut2”
Sets or queries the common/separate enable.
Feeding the :INPut2 subsystem to the [:SENSe]:EVENt2 subsystem corresponds
to separate; feeding the :INPut1 subsystem to the [:SENSe]:EVENt2 subsystem
corresponds to common.
The string “INP” or “INP2” is returned.
• *RST: “INPut2”
• Only the Time Interval function allows either the separate or common setting.
All of the other functions have a fixed input route setting.
[:SENSe]:EVENt[1|2]:HYSTeresis:RELative <numeric_value>
The operation of this command is determined, in part, by the firmware revision of
the Counter.
Current Firmware Revision
Sets or queries the size of the hysteresis window as a percentage of the allowable
hysteresis. For example, 0% is the minimum hysteresis setting and 100% is the
maximum hysteresis setting.
Specifying 100% or MAXimum provides the greatest noise immunity (lowest
sensitivity), while specifying 0% or MINimum provides the least noise immunity
(most sensitive).
Prior Firmware Revisions: 3317, 3335, and 3402
Sets or queries the sensitivity of the input channel as a percentage of the allowable
sensitivity. For example, 0% is the minimum sensitivity setting and 100% is the
maximum sensitivity setting.
Specifying 100% or MAXimum provides the most sensitivity
(least noise immunity), while specifying 0% or MINimum provides the lowest
sensitivity (greatest noise immunity).
Query Response