Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-31
Device Clear
Device Clear
The full capability of the Device Clear IEEE 488.1 interface function is
implemented in the Counter. This function allows a device to be initialized to a
cleared state. The device-dependent effect is described below.
In response to either the Device Clear message or the Selected Device Clear
message, the Counter:
• clears the input buffer and Output Queue,
• resets the parser, execution control, and response formatter,
• clears any command that would prevent processing a *RST or other
• disables the effect of a prior *OPC command, and
• terminates the holdoff action of a *WAI, *OPC?, or data query (:MEASure
query, :READ query, :FETCh query, :CALC:DATA?, :CALC2:LIM:FAIL?)
waiting for pending operation to complete.
Also, a front-panel initiated diagnostic or calibration may be aborted (for example,
if the front-panel diagnostic or calibration is waiting for user input).