Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-53
The <source_list> parameter has the same syntax as SCPI <channel_list> syntax.
For example, a one-channel function (such as Frequency, Period, etc.) would use
(@1) to specify channel 1, whereas a two-channel function (such as Time Interval,
Phase, and Ratio) would use (@1), (@2) to specify a measurement between
channel 1 and channel 2.
If the instrument receives a parameter which is unexpected, it shall process the
command, ignoring the unexpected parameter, and set the “Command Warning”
bit of the Data Questionable status reporting structure.
The response format for :MEASure query, :READ?, and :FETCh? is determined
by the :FORMat subsystem. If no valid data is available, error -230 (Data corrupt
or stale) is generated.
See the programming example “Easiest Way to Make a Measurement” in Chapter
3 of this guide.
:CONFigure[:SCALar]:<function> <parameters>
Configures the instrument to perform the specified function, but does not initiate
the measurement. Use :INITiate;FETCh? or :READ? to make and query a
Parameters (other than <source_list>) may be defaulted from the right by omitting
them, or anywhere by substituting the keyword DEFault. The <source_list>
parameter may be defaulted by omitting it. The default values are specified by the
particular function description.
Note, this command defaults several Counter settings. To simply change the
function, while leaving all other Counter settings as they are, use
[:SENS]:FUNC[:ON] instead.
• Refer to the sub-section in this section titled “Descriptions of the
Measurement Functions” for descriptions of each measurement function.
• Refer to Table 4-1 in this sub-section for a summary of the <function>,
<parameters>, and <source_list> for each of the measurement functions.