Chapter 4 Command Reference
:DIAGnostic Subsystem
4-34 Programming Guide
:DIAGnostic:CALibration:ROSCillator:AUTO ONCE | OFF
Calibrates the reference oscillator when ONCE parameter is used.
Before sending this command, connect 10 MHz to channel 1.
A sequence of ASCII-encoded bytes: OFF
• This command is available only if the instrument contains the medium or high
stability oscillator option; otherwise, error -241 is generated.
• The calibration values are stored in non-volatile memory, and are unaffected
by power-on, save/recall, and *RST.
• Use :DIAG:CAL:STAT? to check for successful calibration.
• After calibration is completed, the state of this command’s parameter is OFF.
Scale and Offset/POWER (Calibration menu).
Queries pass/fail status of the last calibration. It can be used after any calibration
to determine if the calibration was successful.
• Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR1> format.
• A value of zero indicates that calibration completed without error. A value of
one indicates the calibration completed with error.
Query only.
Query Response
Query Response