Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation
Elements of SCPI Commands
Programming Guide 3-17
Response Message Data Types
Table 3-3 contains explanations of response data types.
Table 3-3. Response Message Data Types
Type Description
<NR1> This numeric representation has an implicit radix point.
The maximum number of characters in <NR1> response data is 17 (maximum
16 digits, 1 sign).
<NR2> This numeric representation has an explicit radix point.
The maximum number of characters in <NR2> response data is 17 (maximum
15 mantissa digits, 1 sign, 1 decimal point).
<NR3> This numeric representation has an explicit radix point and an exponent.
The maximum number of characters in <NR3> response data is 22 (maximum
15 mantissa digits, 2 signs, 1 decimal point , 1 ‘E’ character, 3 exponent digits).
Not a Number Not a Number is represented by the value 9.91E37 . (Not a Number is defined in
IEEE 754). The Counter responds with this numeric value when queried for a
floating point number it cannot provide. This value will be formatted as an