Chapter 2 Command Summary
Front Panel to SCPI Command Maps
Programming Guide 2-3
Front Panel to SCPI Command Maps
Figures 2-1 through 2-6 provide maps that show the one-to-one relationship of the
front-panel keys and the SCPI commands. These maps should help with
identifying commands if you are already familiar with the front panel.
Some SCPI Syntax Conventions
[ ] An element inside brackets is optional. Note, the brackets
are NOT part of the command and should NOT be sent to
the Counter.
1 | 2 Means use either 1 or 2.
<numeric_value> Means enter a number.
SENSe Means you MUST use either all the upper case letters or
the entire word. The lower case letters are optional. For
example, SENS and SENSE are both valid. However,
SEN is not valid. (Note SENSe is used here as an
example, but this convention is true for all SCPI
When you see quotation marks in the command ’s parameter
(shown in the “Parameter Form” column in Table 2-2), you must send the
quotation marks with the command. Refer to the section titled “Using HP BASIC”
in Chapter 3 (page 3-61) of this guide for details on how to use double quotes or
single quotes to enclose the string parameter of a command.