© 1998 Maytag Corporation
Shuts OFF In The Middle Of The Spin Cycle:Shuts OFF In The Middle Of The Spin Cycle:
Shuts OFF In The Middle Of The Spin Cycle:Shuts OFF In The Middle Of The Spin Cycle:
Shuts OFF In The Middle Of The Spin Cycle:
During the spin cycle, the machine control
monitors the door lock mechanism to ensure
the door is locked. This is done through the
door lock enable switch. During "lock mode,"
the shaft of the door lock mechanism is
pressed forward by the door lock wax motor,
and the shaft presses in the button of the door
lock enable switch. If the machine control
board sees the switch OPEN during the spin
cycle, the machine control board will auto-
matically shut the washer OFF. This is caused
by a weak spring in the door lock wax motor.
Replace the complete door lock mechanism.
Warning Warning
Warning Warning
- Always shut off- Always shut off
- Always shut off- Always shut off
- Always shut off
electrical power to theelectrical power to the
electrical power to theelectrical power to the
electrical power to the
unit before beginning anyunit before beginning any
unit before beginning anyunit before beginning any
unit before beginning any
service repair procedures.service repair procedures.
service repair procedures.service repair procedures.
service repair procedures.
Runs For Five Seconds Then Shuts OFF:Runs For Five Seconds Then Shuts OFF:
Runs For Five Seconds Then Shuts OFF:Runs For Five Seconds Then Shuts OFF:
Runs For Five Seconds Then Shuts OFF:
Suspect a communication problem between
motor, the motor control board and the ma-
chine control board. Check the motor and
motor control system by removing the JP4
connector on the motor control board. Set
the timer dial into the delay cycle and then
press the push to start switch. If the motor
operates and the washer goes into a 50 rpm
tumble, then the source of the problem is the
RD 30 wire leading from the motor control to
the P4(2)/RD30 connector on the machine
control board. When the machine control
tells the motor control to run the motor, it
monitors the red wire to determine if the mo-
tor is actually running. If the board does not
see a return signal, the washer will shut down.
If RD30 wire is making contact, then suspect
possible problems with timer input circuits.
(See the following section on Machine Op-(See the following section on Machine Op-
(See the following section on Machine Op-(See the following section on Machine Op-
(See the following section on Machine Op-
eration Does Not Match Cycle Description):eration Does Not Match Cycle Description):
eration Does Not Match Cycle Description):eration Does Not Match Cycle Description):
eration Does Not Match Cycle Description):
Shuts OFF When Push-To-Start Button Re-Shuts OFF When Push-To-Start Button Re-
Shuts OFF When Push-To-Start Button Re-Shuts OFF When Push-To-Start Button Re-
Shuts OFF When Push-To-Start Button Re-
Check for proper wiring of BK 27 to COMM
and GY 26 to NO. If reversed, the washer will
shut off when button is released. If wiring is
proper, replace machine control board. Line
relay may be bad
(See Section 1: Push-To-(See Section 1: Push-To-
(See Section 1: Push-To-(See Section 1: Push-To-
(See Section 1: Push-To-
Start Line Relay Operation).Start Line Relay Operation).
Start Line Relay Operation).Start Line Relay Operation).
Start Line Relay Operation).
Washer Runs Five Minutes Then Shuts OFFWasher Runs Five Minutes Then Shuts OFF
Washer Runs Five Minutes Then Shuts OFFWasher Runs Five Minutes Then Shuts OFF
Washer Runs Five Minutes Then Shuts OFF
During the wash cycle, the machine control
communicates with the timer, via the timer in-
put circuits. If the machine control board does
not see a change in timer inputs over a period
of 5 minutes, it will open the line relay and shut
the washer off. Check the timer input circuits
for poor connections at the timer and the ma-
chine control board. Replace timer if neces-
(See Section 2: Timer Input Circuits).(See Section 2: Timer Input Circuits).
(See Section 2: Timer Input Circuits).(See Section 2: Timer Input Circuits).
(See Section 2: Timer Input Circuits).
Shuts OFF During Final Rinses:Shuts OFF During Final Rinses:
Shuts OFF During Final Rinses:Shuts OFF During Final Rinses:
Shuts OFF During Final Rinses:
The machine control board is programmed to
allow a maximum continous fill time of six
minutes or an accumulated fill time of 8 min-
utes for each full wash cycle. If the required
fill time exceeds the time limit, the washer will
shut down. This is to prevent flooding in the
event there is a loose hose clamp or damaged
air dome hose. Check the incoming water lines
for a minimum pressure of 20 psi. If lower,
the customer can use smaller clothes loads
and reduce the pressure to 10 psi. An alterna-
tive solution would be to change the plastic
inlet screens to metal screened washers and
remove the nozzle extender found in the wa-
ter valve inlet hose near the dispener inlet.