York YT Water Dispenser User Manual

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
This screen displays more detailed in for ma tion per-
tain ing to a Adaptive Capacity Control (ACC).
Requires a login access level of SER-
VICE. Service Technicians refer to
YORK Service Manual 160.55-M1
for operation instructions and ex pla -
na tion of all programmable setpoints
and dis played values.
Motor Run (LED)
Indicates whether the digital output from the controls is
commanding the motor to RUN.
Motor Current % Full Load Amps
Displays the motor current as a percentage of the Full
Load Amps (FLA) value. For the Variable Speed Drive
this is the data returned by the VSD Logic board.
Current Limit Setpoint
Displays the current limit value in use. This value could
come from a 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC
input in An a log Remote mode, PWM signal in Digital
Remote mode, MicroGateway interface in ISN mode or
a locally pro grammed value.
Pulldown Demand Time Left
Displays the time remaining in the pro grammed pull-
down period if the value is non-zero.
VSD Output Frequency
Displays the frequency at which the VSD is operating
the motor.
Pre-Rotation Vane Position
Displays the pre-rotation vane position as a value be-
tween 0 and 100%.
Surge Count
The total number of surge conditions detected by the Adap-
tive Capacity Control. The surge events detected by the
Surge Protection feature are not included in this total
Delta P/P
The value calculated by the Condenser and Evaporator
pressures as reported by the Adaptive Ca pac i ty Con trol.
Local Motor Current Limit
Allows the user to specify the maximum al lowed mo-
tor current (as a percentage of FLA). When the motor
cur rent reaches this value, the pre-rotation vanes will
not be permitted to open further. If the motor current
rises above this value, the pre-rotation vanes will close
to reduce the current to this value.
FIG. 22
OptiView Control Center