IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2
5-2-2 Pairing Addresses in Internal Tables
FINS/UDP Communications Methods
Automatic Generation
When the Ethernet Unit is turned ON or restarted, the following values are set
for addresses in the internal table.
• Remote IP address: Local IP address network number + remote
FINS node address
• Remote UDP port number: UDP port number set for local Unit
• Connection method: FINS/UDP
With the dynamic method, data in an internal table that has been generated
can be dynamically converted according to FINS messages received from
remote nodes. This is enabled when the remote node is a device such as a
personal computer and IP addresses are dynamically changed by a method
such as DHCP.
Automatic Generation
With the static method as well, the following values are set for addresses in
the internal table when the Ethernet Unit is turned ON or restarted.
• Remote IP address: Local IP address network number + remote
FINS node address
• Remote UDP port number: UDP port number set for local Unit
• Connection method: FINS/UDP
With the static method, however, data in an internal table that has been gener-
ated is not freely changed.
Personal computer
Local FINS node number
Local IP address
Must be fixed.
Can be changed.
IP address
IP address
FINS command
FINS response
Ethernet Unit
Internal table
Automatic generation
(dynamic setting)
Remote IP address
Local IP address
CPU Unit
Remote FINS node number
Local FINS node number
For the remote IP address,
a response is returned to
the changed IP address.
Personal computer
Local FINS node number
Local IP address
Must be fixed.
Must be fixed.
IP address
IP address
FINS command
FINS response
Ethernet Unit
Automatic generation
(static setting)
Internal table
Remote IP address Local IP address
CPU Unit
Remote FINS node number
Local FINS node number