FINS/TCP Method Section 6-3
Even if the connection is closed at the FINS/TCP client, requests continue to
be made to the FINS/TCP server every few seconds to open a connection.
Note After the Ethernet Unit is powered up or restarted, the IP address for the con-
nection used as the FINS/TCP client is the remote IP address set under the
FINS/TCP Tab in the Unit Setup.
To dynamically change the remote IP address (i.e., during CPU Unit opera-
tion), execute the CMND(490) instruction in the ladder program and send a
REQUEST; command code: 27 30 hexadecimal) to the Ethernet Unit.
Procedure for Using FINS/TCP
Note Routing tables are required in the following situations:
• When communicating with a PLC or computer on another network (e.g.,
remote programming or monitoring using FINS messages or a CX-Pro-
• When multiple Communications Units are mounted to a single PLC (i.e.,
CPU Unit)
• When routing tables are used for one or more other nodes on the same
It is not necessary to set routing tables if one Communications Unit is
mounted to the PLC and the nodes are connected as one network.
1. Make the basic settings.
Refer to Section 2 Startup Procedure in the Operation Manual Construction of Net-
2. Make the settings in the Unit Setup.
With the CX-Programmer connected online, select the Ethernet Unit in the CX-Program-
mer's I/O Table Window. Right-click, and select Unit Setup. Then make the following set-
tings in the Unit Setup Window.
Setup Tab
• FINS/TCP port (Default: 9600)
• Remote IP addresses (when client)
Note: When functioning as a server, set the permitted client IP addresses only when
protection is in effect.
• Automatically allocated FINS node addresses
Note: The functions of these items are described in detail in the Operation Manual Con-
struction of Applications, SECTION 7 Using FINS Communications to Create Host
Applications. Normally the defaults should be used.
• Keep-alive setting
Note: Normally this should be selected to be used.
• IP addresses protection setting
Note: Check this only for protection as the server.
3. Make the routing table settings and transfer them to each PLC. (See note.)
Set the routing tables with CX-Integrator, and transfer it to each PLC.
4. Create a ladder program that includes the SEND(090), RECV(098), and CMND(490)