
Appendix E
The Ethernet Unit makes up part of a network. Repair a defective Ethernet Unit as soon as possible as it can
have a negative effect on the entire network. We recommend that customers keep one or more spare Ethernet
Units to allow immediate recovery of the network.
Replacing an Ethernet Unit
Observe the following precautions when replacing the Ethernet Unit.
Always turn OFF the power supply before replacing the Ethernet Unit.
Check that the spare Ethernet Unit is operating normally before replacing a defective Unit with it.
When returning a defective Unit for repairs, provide as much written information as possible on the symp-
toms of the problem.
If a problem occurs with poor contacts, wipe the contacts with a clean cloth soaked with industrial alcohol.
Carefully remove any lint remaining on the contacts before replacing the Unit.
Settings after Replacing an Ethernet Unit
After replacing an Ethernet Unit, set the following to the same settings as were used on the previous Unit.
•Unit number
Node address
Settings after Replacing a CPU
The EEPROM in the PC’s CPU holds the information listed below. This information must be stored in any new
CPU used to replace a defective one.
Routing tables
System Setup for the Ethernet Unit