Setup Section 3-1
Note (1) The setting to enable or disable dynamic changing of remote IP address-
es is available for Ethernet Units with Unit Ver. 1.3 or later.
(2) Make settings using the unit settings function in the CX-Programmer (to
be included in version 5.0 and higher) or using the Web function (refer to
Appendix G Ethernet Unit Web Function).
Destination IP Address
(Change Dynamically)
Select to dynamically change the remote (destination) IP address for
FINS/UDP. To prohibit dynamic changes, deselect this box.
(Change Dynami-
Baud Rate Select the Ethernet baud rate for the Ethernet Unit.
Select either automatic detection or 10Base-T. (For 100Base-TX, select
automatic detection.)
TCP/IP keep-alive Set the liveness-checking interval. When socket services using either
FINS/TCP or TCP/IP are used, the connection will be terminated if there
is no response from the remote node (either a server or client) within the
time set here. (Enabled for socket services using FINS/TCP or TCP/IP
Setting range: 0 to 65,535 minutes
This setting applies to the keep-alive setting for each connection set
with the FINS/TCP tab.
(120 minutes)
IP Address Table Set the IP address table that defines the relationship between FINS
node addresses and IP addresses.
With FINS/UDP, this is enabled only when the IP address table method
is set as the IP address conversion method.
IP Router Table Set when the Ethernet Unit is to communicate through the IP router with
nodes on another IP network segment.
FTP Login Sets the login name for connecting to the Ethernet Unit by FTP. None
Password Sets the password for connecting to the Ethernet Unit by FTP. None
Port No. Set the FTP port number for the Ethernet Unit.
There is normally no need to change this number.
Two ports are used for FTP: a control port and a data transfer port. This
setting sets only the control port, and then the data transfer port uses
the number that is one less than the control port.
(Number 21 is
Item Contents Default