Command/Response Reference Section 7-3
18. The number of ACK packets received with no data set.
19. The number of ACK packets received.
20. The number of ACK packets received for received transmission acknowl-
edgements (ACK).
21. The number of window advertisement packets received.
UDP Status (Response) Three items of UDP information occupying 4 bytes each are returned in the
following sequence. Each value is returned as an 8-digit hexadecimal value.
1,2,3... 1. The number of packets discarded because the size of the first short buffer
was smaller than the minimum size (28) of the IP header and UDP header
when the packet was stored.
2. The number of packets discarded due to an incorrect checksum in the UDP
3. The number of packets discarded because the IP overall length in the IP
header was shorter than the UDP overall length in the UDP header.
All the above values are set to 0 if network operation stops due to incorrect
settings in the system setup.
Counting will be stopped when a count reaches the maximum value. The
maximum values are as follows:
IP, ICMP, or UDP status: 7FFFFFFF (2,147,483,647 decimal)
TC status: FFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295 decimal)
Response Codes
Reads the status of the Ethernet Unit’s network memory. The network mem-
ory contains 248K bytes that are used as required as for communications
buffers for communications servicing. The network memory consists of 1,472
short buffers (128 bytes each) and 64 long buffers (1,024 bytes each). Refer
to Appendix B Buffer Configuration.
Command Block
Response Block
Response code Description
0000 Normal
1001 Command too large
27 63
Memory statusResponse
27 63
92 bytes