
Setup Section 3-1
3-1 Setup
Item Contents Default
Broadcast Set the method for specifying IP addresses for broadcasting in FINS/
• All 1 (4.3BSD): Broadcast with host number set to all ones.
• All 0 (4.2BSD): Broadcast with host number set to all zeros.
Normally the default setting should be used.
All 1 (4.3BSD)
IP Address Set the local IP address for the Ethernet Unit. (FINS node
Sub-net Mask Set the subnet mask for the Ethernet Unit.
This is required if a method other than the IP address table method is
used for address conversion.
(default net mask
for IP address set-
FINS/UDP Port Specify the local UDP port number to be used for the FINS communica-
tions service. The UDP port number is the number used for UDP identi-
fication of the application layer (i.e., the FINS communications service in
this case).
• Default (9,600)
• User defined (Setting range: 1 to 65,535)
Note: Make the settings so that UDP port number 123 for SNTP does
not overlap with UDP port number 53 for DNS.
FINS/TCP Port Specify the local TCP port number to be used for the FINS communica-
tions service. The TCP port number is the number used for TCP identifi-
cation of the application layer (i.e., the FINS communications service in
this case).
• Default (9,600)
• User defined (Setting range: 1 to 65,535)
Note: Make the settings so that TCP port numbers 20 and 21 for the
FTP server, TCP port number 25 for SMTP, TCP port number 110 for
POP3, and TCP port number 53 for DNS do not overlap.
Conversion Select any of the following as the method for finding and converting IP
addresses from FINS node addresses. (Enabled for FINS/UDP only.)
• Automatic generation (dynamic): Auto (dynamic)
• Automatic generation (static): Auto (Static)
• IP address table method: Table used
• Combined method: Mixed
Auto (dynamic)