FINS/TCP Section 3-2
The following settings can be made for each connection number.
For details, refer to SECTION 6 FINS Communications Service in the Opera-
tion Manual Construction of Networks.
Item Contents Default
FINS/TCP Mode For each connection number, this setting specifies
the Ethernet Unit for use as either a server or a cli-
• When the Ethernet Unit is used as a server:
The Ethernet Unit opens a connection with that
connection number and waits for service requests
(FINS commands) from clients. Connection num-
bers are used in ascending order and allocated to
clients in the order connections are made.
• When the Ethernet Unit is used as a client:
The Ethernet Unit establishes a connection with
the server set as the destination IP address. Once
the connection has been established, FINS/TCP is
used for FINS communications.
IP Address • When the Ethernet Unit is used as a server:
If the option is selected to use IP addresses to pro-
tect, set the IP addresses as required at clients
from which connection is permitted. If not set for
those connections, the default setting of
can be used.
• When the Ethernet Unit is used as a client:
Set the IP address for the remote Ethernet Unit
(i.e., the server) that is to be connected by FINS/
TCP. It is required that an IP address be set for the
remote Ethernet Unit.
Auto allocated
FINS node
If the client (normally a personal computer) applica-
tion supports FINS/TCP, and if FINS node
addresses are not fixed, the client will take 0 as its
node address. Then, when a FINS command
arrives, the number set here (from 239 to 254) will
automatically be allocated as the client's FINS node
For details on automatic allocation of FINS node
addresses, refer to the Operation Manual Construc-
tion of Applications.
From 239 to
254, for con-
nection Nos.
1 to 16
keep-alive For each connection number, set whether or not the
remote node connection check function is to be
used for the FINS/TCP server and client.
If the keep-alive box is checked here, then, when
the remote node goes without responding for longer
than the monitor time set in the Setup, the connec-
tion will be terminated. If a remote node turns OFF
without warning, the connection will remain open
indefinitely, so this option should be used whenever