
Error Status Section 8-2
8-2 Error Status
The Ethernet Unit will output error status to the following word in the CIO Area
of the CPU Unit. This information can be used in troubleshooting errors.
Word = CIO 1500 + (25 x unit number) +18
Error Status (Ethernet Unit
to CPU Unit)
The status of errors that occur at the Ethernet Unit is reflected as shown in the
following diagram.
Lit --- Flash-
--- --- The IP address is set incorrectly. Correct the IP address. Do not set
any of the following IP addresses.
• Host IDs that are all 0 or all 1.
• Network IDs that are all 0 or all 1.
• Subnetwork IDs that are all 1.
• Addresses beginning with 127 (7F
The node address set on the rotary
switch on the front of the Unit does not
agree with the host ID in the IP address.
This probably can occur when the
address conversion method is set for
automatic address generation.
Make sure that the node address
and the last byte of the IP address
are the same and set other host IDs
to 0.
Change the address conversion
--- --- --- --- The Unit operation mode change function
is in effect.
Set the node address correctly.
RUN ERC ERH LNK HOST Probably cause Correction
Bit Error Status Manipulated by Unit operation
0 to 1 (Not used.) --- --- ---
2 IP address setting error ON Unit ON if any of the following conditions apply to the IP
• All bits in the host ID are 0 or 1.
• All bits in the network ID are 0 or 1.
• All bits in the subnet ID are 1.
• The IP address begins with 127 (0x7F).
OFF Unit OFF when the IP address is normal.
3 IP address table error ON Unit On if the IP address table information is incorrect.
OFF Unit OFF when the IP address table is normal.
4 IP router table error ON Unit ON if the IP router table information is incorrect.
OFF Unit OFF when the IP address table is normal.
Bit 02: IP address setting error
Bit 03: IP address table error
Bit 04: IP router table error
Bit 06: Routing table error
Bit 11: SNTP server error
Bit 12: SMTP server error
Bit 13: POP server error
Bit 14: Address disagreement
Bit 05: DNS server error
Bit 15: EEPROM error