Troubleshooting with Response Codes Section 8-5
11: Parame-
ter error
00: Parameter
Parameters in
command data
The parameters in the com-
mand data are incorrect.
The UDP/TCP socket number
was not within the proper
The local UDP port number
might be set to 0.
Check the parameters.
Be sure the socket number is
between 1 and 8.
Set the Local UDP port number
01: No area
Memory area
code in command
A correct memory area code
has not been used or EM Area
is not available.
Check the command’s memory
area code in the Results Storage
Area and set the appropriate
03: Address
specification out
of range
First word
address in com-
mand data
The first word is in an inacces-
sible area or the bit number is
not 00.
Set a first word that is in an
accessible area. The bit number
must be 00 for Ethernet Units.
04: Address
range exceeded
Command data The address set in the com-
mand is not correct.
Correct the address in the com-
mand data, being sure that the
start address plus the number of
words does not exceed accessi-
ble memory.
0B: Response
too long
Command data The response frame is too
Correct the number of data ele-
ments or other parameters in the
command data for which the
response is being returned.
0C: Parameter
Parameters in
command data
Parameters are set incorrectly
in the command data.
Check the command data and
correct any parameters that are
21: Cannot
08: Cannot
IP address con-
version method
With respect to a FINS node
address that could not be
dynamically changed, a FINS
message was received from an
IP address that differed from
the Unit Setup.
Referring to SECTION 5 Deter-
mining IP Addresses, correct the
relationships between IP
addresses and FINS node
Main code Sub-code Check point Probable cause Remedy