Command/Response Reference Section 7-3
Requests processing to open a socket.
Command Block
Response Block
Results Storage Format
Socket Option (Command) The socket option specified as 1 byte. The setting is not valid for this com-
mand. Set to 0.
UDP Socket Number
The UDP socket number to be opened specified as 1 byte between 1 and 8.
Results Storage Area
The area in which the results of the command execution are stored. The first
byte specifies the memory area and data type (variable type). The 2nd to 4th
bytes specify the beginning address of the results storage area. Refer to
page 158 for details about the variable types and addresses that can be spec-
Local UDP Port Number
The UDP port number for communications with the socket is specified as 2
bytes (0 cannot be specified). Packets received at this port are distributed to
the socket specified in the UDP socket number, and send packets are distrib-
uted from the UDP socket to this port.
The following ports for the Ethernet Unit's communications services cannot be
• UDP port No. used for FINS (Default: 9600)
• UDP port No. used for DNS server access (Default: 53)
• UDP port No. used for SNTP server access (Default: 123)
Response Codes
Socket option
Local UDP
port number
Command code
UDP socket number
27 01
Results storage area
27 01
Results storage
response code
Response code Description
0000 Normal
0105 Local IP address setting error
0302 CPU Unit error; execution not possible.
1001 Command too large