Command/Response Reference Section 7-3
Response Block
Results Storage Format
Socket Option (Command) The socket option specified as 1 byte. The setting is not valid for this com-
mand. Set to 0.
TCP Socket Number
The TCP socket number to send the data specified as 1 byte between 1 and
Results Storage Area
The area in which the results of the command execution are stored. The first
byte specifies the memory area and data type (variable type). The 2nd to 4th
bytes specify the beginning address of the results storage area. Refer to
page 158 for details about the variable types and addresses that can be spec-
Number of Bytes Sent
(Command, Results
Storage Area)
The number of bytes in the data sent specified between 0 and 1,984. The
results storage area stores the actual number of bytes sent.
Data Sent (Command) Specifies the data to be sent.
Response Codes
27 13
Number of
bytes sent
Response code Description
0000 Normal
0105 Local IP address setting error
0302 CPU Unit error; execution not possible.
1001 Command too large
1002 Command too small
1003 The number of bytes sent does not match the amount of data.
1100 The TCP socket number or number of bytes sent is out of
1101 The variable type for the results storage area is out of range.
1103 Non-zero bit address specified for the results storage area.
220F The specified socket is sending data.
2210 No connection could be established to the specified socket.
2211 High traffic at Unit; cannot execute service.