Troubleshooting with Response Codes Section 8-5
22: Status
error (operat-
ing mode dis-
0F: Service in
progress, cannot
perform operation
Socket status
The same socket service is
already in progress at the
specified socket number.
Use the socket status flag in PC
memory to be sure that socket
service has finished before start-
ing services again.
10: Socket not
Socket status
The specified socket is not
Open the socket. For TCP sock-
ets, be sure to wait until connec-
tion is made.
11: Local node
busy, cannot
System load The internal buffers are full
because there is too much traf-
fic at the local node, preventing
data from being sent.
Correct the user application to
reduce traffic at the Ethernet
20 Unit settings The socket is not open for Sys-
tem Settings.
Correct the settings for the Unit
Setup, the FINS/TCP connection
number, the remote IP address,
and the remote port number.
21 The socket is not open
because of the remote node
conversion command for the
FINS/TCP connection.
22 The socket is reopening
because the connection to the
remote node has closed.
23 The socket is reopening
because of a reception error.
24 The socket is reopening
because of a transmission
25 The socket is reopening
because RST received in
response to keep-alive.
26: FINS/TCP not
The socket is reopening
because of no keep-alive
30: Connection
not establish
Command data A connection is already estab-
lished with the specified
remote node.
Correct the settings for the FINS/
TCP connection number, the
remote IP address, and the
remote port number.
31: Connection
cannot be
Unit settings and
command data
The specified connection num-
ber is not set as a FINS/TCP
client in the Unit Setup.
Correct the settings for the Unit
Setup, the FINS/TCP connection
number, the remote IP address,
and the remote port number.
32: Service
stopped, cannot
perform operation
Command data While a remote node change
was being processed for the
specified connection number, a
request for a change was
received and the processing
was stopped.
Correct the settings for the FINS/
TCP connection number, the
remote IP address, and the
remote port number.
23: Environ-
ment error (no
such Unit)
05: Parameter
Unit settings IP address conversion failed. Check the IP address and subnet
mask in the System Setup and
be sure that settings are correct.
07: Configuration
IP address con-
version in Unit
IP address conversion is set for
automatic conversion only.
Check the mode settings in the
System Setup. This error will be
generated for the READ IP
Main code Sub-code Check point Probable cause Remedy