Command/Response Reference Section 7-3
7-3 Command/Response Reference
This section describes the FINS commands that can be sent to Ethernet Units
and the responses to each command.
The command, response, and (where applicable) the results storage blocks
are given with the commands in graphic form as shown in the following dia-
gram. If the data is fixed, it is included in the blocks. If the data is variable, it is
described following the blocks. Each box represents 1 byte; every two boxes
represents 1 word. The following diagram shows 2 bytes, or 1 word.
The results storage format is the format used to store transfer results and data
for socket services requested with command codes 2701 to 2714.
Response codes applicable to the command are described at the end of the
command description. If any UNIX error codes are generated, these are also
described. Refer to your UNIX error symbol definition file /usr/include/sys/
errno.h for details. UNIX errors are returned in the results storage area.
Note Except for special cases, all send/receive data is in hexadecimal format.
7-3-1 RESET
Reset the Ethernet Unit.
Command Block
Response Block
No response will be returned if the command ends normally. A response will
be returned only if an error occurs.
In some cases, send requests (SEND(192)/RECV(193) instructions) made
from the PLC to the Ethernet Unit just before execution of the RESET com-
mand may not be executed.
Except for the FINS communications service sockets, all open sockets (for
sockets services, FTP server, or mail transmission) are closed immediately
before resetting.
Response Codes
Two bytes
04 03
Command code
04 03
Response code Description
1001 Command too large