
IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2
IP Address Table Method With this method, FINS node addresses are converted to IP addresses based
on a correspondence table (IP address table) that is preset in the Unit setup.
The IP address table is set using the CX-Programmer in IP Address Table
under Settings in the Unit Setup. It can be registered for nodes in different
segments and with different network numbers.
The internal table will be as follows:
FINS Node Address Registered to IP Address Table
The following address is registered to the internal table.
Remote IP address: IP address registered to IP address table
Remote UDP port number: UDP port number set for local Unit
Connection method: FINS/UDP
FINS Node Address Not Registered to IP Address Table
The following address is registered to the internal table.
Remote IP address:
Remote UDP port number: UDP port number set for local Unit
Connection method: FINS/UDP
With the IP address table method, records of FINS nodes registered to the IP
address table are not changed dynamically. For all others node, the data from
FINS nodes registered with a remote IP address of can be dynami-
cally changed when the Unit is turned ON or restarted, according to FINS
messages received from remote nodes. This can be used effectively when the
remote node is a device such as a personal computer and IP addresses are
dynamically changed by a method such as DHCP.
Combined Method The combined method combines the IP address table method and the auto-
matic generation method (dynamic).
First the IP address table is referenced. Then, if the applicable FINS node
address is found, the corresponding IP address is read. If the FINS node
address is not found, the IP address is calculated using the automatic genera-
tion method (dynamic).
The internal table will be as follows:
FINS Node Address Registered to IP Address Table
The following address is registered to the internal table.
Remote IP address: IP address registered to IP address table
Remote UDP port number: UDP port number set for local Unit
When FINS Command is Sent
FINS node number
Node number in
IP address table
IP address table
FINS node
IP address
IP address
FINS command sent
When FINS Command is Received
FINS node number
Node number not
in IP address table
Internal table
IP address
FINS response returned