
Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover of the manual.
The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision. Page numbers refer to the
previous version.
Revision code Date Revised content
1 July 2003 Original production
02 March 2004 Information was added for new functions available with new versions of the CX-Programmer
and Ethernet Unit, including the Web function, described in new sub-section 2-8 and Appendix
G. The following revisions were also made.
Page xiv: Added information on unit versions.
Page 3: Added information for CX-Programmer version 4.0 or higher.
Page 7: Corrected “or” to “and” in paragraph on automatic clock adjustment.
Pages 8 and 9: Added information on Ethernet Units with Unit Ver. 1.3 or later.
Page 12: Added information on CX-Programmer version 4.0 or higher.
Page 17: Changed note
Page 25: Corrected information for ERH indicator.
Page 26: Added information on upgrade to unit version.
Page 28: Corrected “” to “” in Note 1.
Page 31: Corrected “1.2” to “0.9” and “0.8” to “0.4” in Note.
Page 40: Changed screen.
Page 41: Changed screen, corrected “Right-click” to “Click” in steps 6 and 7, and added new
sub-section on the Web function.
Page 43: Changed screen.
Page 45: Added settings to tables.
Page 47: Added table of settings for HTTP Tab, and swapped “response” and “request” in dia-
Pages 50 and 58: Changed screen.
Page 59: Added item to table and notes.
Page 60: Corrected “” to “” in table.
Page 71: Added information on HTTP Server Setup and changed screen.
Page 84: Changed “07CD hex” to “07C0 hex”
Page 85: Corrected “” to “” and corrected information for setting local IP
Page 96: Added information on prohibiting dynamic conversion of remote IP addresses.
Pages 100 and 101: Corrected table headings.
Page 124: Added note.
Page 125: Corrected “Controller Unit” to “Controller Link Unit” in diagram.
Page 126: Corrected “Ethernet Unit” to “Controller Link Unit” in information on relay network
tables, and corrected “2” to “1” for the relay node address.
Pages 141 and 142: Changed “PC” to “PLC.”
Page 197: Removed “(CJ Series only)” from table.
Page 221: Added error codes to table.
Page 229: Added table on TCP status information.
Cat. No. W420-E1-04
Revision code