
Error Log Section 8-3
8-3 Error Log
The Ethernet Unit provides an error log that records errors that have occurred
during Ethernet Unit operation. The contents of the error log can be read or
cleared from a Programming Device, such as the CX-Programmer, or it can
be read or cleared using FINS commands from a workstation or computer.
(See 7-3-7 ERROR LOG READ and 7-3-8 ERROR LOG CLEAR).
Logged Errors The following errors are recorded in the error log.
Errors in network operation
Errors in data transfers
Error in the CPU Unit
5 DNS server error ON Unit ON when the following errors occur during DNS server
• An illegal server IP address is set.
• A timeout occurs during communications with the
OFF Unit OFF when DNS server operation is normal.
6 Routing table error ON Unit ON if the routing table information is incorrect.
OFF Unit OFF when the routing table is normal.
7 to 10 (Not used.) --- --- ---
11 SNTP server error ON Unit ON when the following errors occur during SNTP server
• An illegal server IP address or host name is set.
• A timeout occurs during communications with the
OFF Unit OFF when SNTP server operation is normal.
12 SMTP server error ON Unit ON when the following errors occur during SMTP server
• An illegal server IP address or host name is set.
• A timeout occurs during communications with the
• The verification time from the server has expired (when
POP before SMTP is set).
OFF Unit OFF when SMTP server operation is normal.
13 POP server error ON Unit ON when the following errors occur during POP server
• An illegal server IP address or host name is set.
• A server verification error (user name or password)
• A timeout occurs during communications with the
OFF Unit OFF when use of the POP server is normal.
14 Address disagreement ON Unit ON if the remote IP address is set to automatic genera-
tion but the local IP address host number and FINS
node address do not agree.
OFF Unit OFF under all other circumstances.
15 EEPROM error ON Unit ON if an error has occurred in the EEPROM memory.
OFF Unit OFF when the EEPROM memory is normal.
Bit Error Status Manipulated by Unit operation