Feat ures Section 1-2
• In addition to using the existing Mail Send Switch, or having e-mail sent at
regular intervals, it is possible to set triggers for sending e-mail (for exam-
ple, by having e-mail sent when a PV in the CPU Unit's I/O memory
reaches a certain value (size comparison), or when the bit at a specified
address turns ON).
• Up to eight of these e-mail send conditions (destination, trigger type, etc.)
can be preregistered so that e-mail will be sent automatically whenever
the conditions are met.
Note The e-mail functions require a separate mail server (SMTP/POP3).
Automatic PLC Internal Clock Adjustment
The built-in clock of the PLC connected to the Ethernet can be automatically
adjusted, with the SNTP server clock taken as the standard. Automatic adjust-
ments through the entire system enable the various records generated by pro-
duction equipment to be managed according to clock information and
Note The automatic clock adjustment requires a separate SNTP server.
Specification of Servers by Host Name
In addition to directly specifying the IP address for a SMTP, POP3, or SNTP
server, it is also possible (by means of the Ethernet Unit's DNS client function)
to specify the server by host name. This enables automatic searches for IP
addresses for purposes such as system checking, even when the IP
addresses for servers have been changed.
Note (1) A separate DNS server is required to specify servers by host name using
(2) The IP address is specified directly for the DNS server.
Use Web Function to Read Ethernet Unit Settings and Status
A Web function is provided in Ethernet Units with Unit Ver. 1.3 or later. This
enables use of a Web browser to read the Ethernet Unit’s system settings and
Network Connection with Controller Link
The Ethernet information network can be connected to the Controller Link
control system network by using the FINS communications service function.
This enables a PLC on a Controller Link network to be monitored from a PLC
on an Ethernet network, and it allows data to be exchanged between them.
Full Range of Functions for Handling Troubles
A full range of functions is provided for promptly handling any troubles that
may arise.
• Self-diagnostic function when power is turned ON
• Remote node connection check by PING command
• Remote node connection check by internode test
• Error log for recording error information when an error occurs
• Notification by e-mail when an error occurs