Receive Mail Section 3-8
For details, refer to SECTION 2 Mail Send Function in the Operation Manual
Construction of Applications.
3-8 Receive Mail
Posting Mail Address Protection Setting
Interval time When “Periodic
timer” is set as
the mail trigger
Set the time interval for sending
1 to 1,440 (10 to 14,400 min), in
units of 10 min
(10 minutes)
When “Bit value
change” or
“Word value
change” is set
as the mail trig-
ger type
Set the time interval for monitor-
ing the value at a specified
1 to 1,000 (1 to 1,000 s), in units
of 1 s
Default: 0000
(1 second)
Item Contents Default
Item Contents Default
Protect using mail
If this option is selected, mail from sources
other than specified addresses is denied.
Use the “Mail address” text box below to spec-
ify the sources from which to receive mail.
Not checked
Mail address Set the mail address if the option has been
checked to protect using mail address.
Mail will not be accepted from sources other
than the mail address set here.