Black Box EncrypTight Appliance Trim Kit User Manual

350 EncrypTight User Guide
See also ETPM
introduction, 20
log file, 241
monitoring status, 237
port configuration See interface configuration
port status, viewing, 232
ports, configuring your firewall for EncrypTight, 39
certificate policy extensions, 270
certificate requests, 284
communication timeouts, 92
importing appliance configurations, 115
login, 63
ping tool, 228
policy deployment confirmation, 208
status checking in ETEMS, 99
status checking in ETPM, 137
strict authentication, 93
preserving network IP addresses, 35
priority, for policy processing, 182
problem and solution tables, 223
appliance configuration, 225
appliance unreachable, 224
pushing configurations, 226
software upgrades, 227
status indicators, 226
provisioning a new appliance
See also appliance configuration
basic procedure, 95
importing configurations from a CSV file, 112
working with large numbers of appliances, 111
configurations, 97
software updates to appliances, 125
reassembling fragmented packets, ETEP, 310
after a software upgrade, 125
after pushing a configuration, 151
rebooting an appliance, 102
rebooting an external ETKMS, 243
appliance status, 99
policy lifetime, 182
setting ETEMS status interval preferences, 99
setting ETPM status interval preferences, 137
reload policies
status indicator, 226
remote certificate authentication on the ETEP,
remote port address, 35
remote port configuration
ETEP, 306–308
remove element from ETPM, 134
renaming a PEP, 152
renew keys, scheduling, 182
hardware, 38
third party software, 38
appliance software from a backup copy, 127
default configuration settings, 111
workspace, 71
in ETEP Layer 2 policies, 337
user roles in EncrypTight, 91
user roles on the appliance, 91
SAD, exporting from the ETEP, 232
appliance configurations, 97
workspace, 70
scheduling renew keys and refreshing lifetime,
Secure Hash Algorithm, 184
security policies, See policies
selecting appliances, 88
service --status-all | fgrep “is running” command,
service --status-all command, 242
session timer configuration
EncrypTight software, 63
SFTP server
firewall port, 39
third party software, 38
using for log retrieval, 230
using for software upgrades, 76, 126
SHA-1, 184
shared key example, 22
external ETKMS, 243
procedure for ETEPs, 116
Simple Network Time Protocol
overview, 33
See also SNTP
SNMP configuration
ETEP, 313–316
SNMPv3 configuration
conETEPts, 316
engine ID
generating, 318
viewing and exporting, 318
trap host users, 319
SNTP configuration