Pizza Dough / Dough continued
Shaping Techniques:
Rustic loaf – Working on a lightly floured
surface, use the palms of your hands (dusted
with flour) to gently tuck dough under itself
until you get a smooth rounded top surface.
Place on prepared baking tray. Using a sharp
knife, make 1cm deep slashes across the top
of your dough. Allow to rise before baking.
Loaf Pan – Working on a lightly floured
surface, roll the dough into a 1cm thick
rectangle (the same width as your loaf pan).
Starting at the shorter side, roll the dough to
form a log (at this stage, you may like to
brush with butter or spread/sprinkle with a
flavouring such as pesto or cheese . Place
log into a greased loaf pan. Allow the dough
to rise to the top of the pan before baking,
remembering it will rise some more as it
Plaited loaf – Divide your dough into 3 equal
portions. Shape into long sausages. Brush
ends with a little milk or water and press
together. Bring right sausage to centre, then
left sausage to centre. Repeat until loaf is
complete. Brush ends with milk or water to
join. Tuck ends slightly under the loaf to
neaten. Gently place on a prepared baking
tray. Allow to rise before baking.
Flat bread/focaccia-style – Roll bread dough to
the desired shape and size about 1cm thick.
Allow to rise on a prepared baking tray.
Before placing in the oven, use your knuckles
or finger tips to make indents in the dough.
Brush with a little oil and sprinkle with salt.
Roll up in this direction