Black Box ET0100A Appliance Trim Kit User Manual

EncrypTight User Guide 159
12 Managing IP Networks
In EncrypTight, networks are the IP networks that you want to protect. One or more of these networks
are combined with one or more PEPs to make a network set. Network sets are treated as a single network
entity within IP policies. Networks are added, modified, and deleted using the networks tab in the
EncrypTight Components view.
This section includes the following topics:
Adding Networks
Advanced Uses for Networks in Policies
Editing Networks
Deleting Networks
Figure 53 Networks used in a network set
Adding Networks
When you add networks, you need to know the IP address and subnet mask of each network. If you have
a large number of networks to add, you can import a list from a CSV file. For more information, see
“Importing Networks and Network Sets” on page 172.