Blodgett BC-20G Convection Oven User Manual

Final Check Lists
NOTE: Checkstobemadebycustomerorautho-
rized service agent.
Cool Down Mode
j Check that t he fan runs with the door open.
Steam Mode
Turn on STEAM mode and set thermostat to
steam. V erify the following:
j Heat demand lamp is on.
j Heat demand lamp shuts off at approximately
212_F (100_C).
j Check timer operation in all three positions
a.) Set timer to “OFF” position, buzzer should
b.) Set timer in position other than “OFF” or
“STAY ON”, timer should count down.
c.) Set timer in “STA Y ON” p osition, oven
should operate continuously without timer.
j Run light (power light) t urns on.
j Unit produces steam, window fogs, door seal
does not leak.
Combi Mode
Turn to COMBI mode, set thermostat to 350_F
(177_C) and verify:
j Heat demand lamp is on.
j Oven is heating.
j Heat demand lamp shuts off at 350_F (177_C)
and oven maintains 350_F (177_C).
j F an shuts off with door open.
Hot Air Mode
Turn to HOT AIR mode and set thermostat to
400_F (204_C) and verify:
j Heat demand lamp is on.
j Oven is heating.
j Heat demand lamp shuts off at 400_F (204_C)
and oven maintains 400_F (204_C).
j F an shuts off with door open.
Steam On Demand Mode
Turn the oven to Hot Air mode. Set Steam On De-
mand for 1 minute. Press the Steam On D emand
button and verify:
j Steam demand lamp is on.
j Steam demand lamp shuts off after approxi-
mately 1 minute.