Blodgett BC-20G Convection Oven User Manual

To connect to the oven using a Laptop comput-
er (Microsoft Windows OS)
1. Disconnect the appliance from the power
2. Remove (2) screw s and slide the control panel
3. Boot up the computer.
4. Attach a standard serial cable to the laptop
computer’s serial port, and to the 9 pin serial
port located on the PCB in the control area.
5. Start a communcation program such as “Hy-
perterminal” by selecting Start--->Pro-
g r am s --- > Ac c e s so r ie s --- > Hy p er t e r mi -
n a l --- > H y pe r Te r m in a l .
6. Enter a name for the connection, and selectan
icon, select OK.
7. Click on “Connect Using” and select the de-
sired COM port used by the seriall cable. Se-
lect OK.
8. Set the following parameters, then click OK.
d.) Bits per second 9600
e.) Data bits 8
f.) Parity none
g.) Stop bits 1
h.) F low Control None
To vie w da ta :
connected from the p ower source for 10 seconds,
then power must be re-applied. The data will t hen
be outputted to the terminal window.Data is also
outputted during the deliming process. Each state
is written to the screen, with the amount of sec -
onds left in the current state being counted down.
Figure 16
Figure 17