RECYCLE mode. If the water/brine temperature is high enough, the start-up sequence
continues on to check the guide vane position. If the guide vanes are more than 6% open, the
start-up waits until the PIC closes the vanes. If the vanes are closed, and the oil pump pressure
is less than 4 psid (28 kPad), the oil pump relay will then be energized. The PIC then waits until
(operator configured, default 15 seconds) for oil
pressure to reach 18 psid (124 kPad). After oil pressure is verified, the PIC waits 10 seconds,
and then the compressor start relay (1CR) is energized to start the compressor.
Failure to verify any of the requirements up to this point will result in the PIC aborting the start
and displaying the applicable pre-start mode of failure on the LID default screen. A pre-start
failure does not advance the starts in 12 hours counter. Any failure after the 1CR relay has
energized results in a safety shutdown, advances the starts in the 12 hours counter by one, and
displays the applicable shut-down status on the LID display.
Click here for Figure 25 — Control Sequence