fully closed, 100% is fully open. To release the guide vanes to AUTOMATIC mode, press the
RELEASE softkey.
Note: Manual control will increase the guide vanes and override the pulldown rate during start-
up. Motor current above the electrical demand setting, capacity overrides, and chilled
water below control point will override the manual target and close the guide vanes. For
descriptions of capacity overrides and set points, see the Controls section.
Refrigeration Log
A refrigeration log, such as the one shown in Figure 31, provides a convenient checklist for
routine inspection and maintenance and provides a continuous record of machine performance.
It is an aid in scheduling routine maintenance and in diagnosing machine problems.
Keep a record of the machine pressures, temperatures, and liquid levels on a sheet similar to
that shown. Automatic recording of PIC data is possible through the use of CCN devices such
as the Data Collection module and a Building Supervisor. Contact your Carrier representative
for more information.
Click here for Figure 31 — Refrigeration Log