7.0.37 Sugar-free strawberry ice cream
(for about 8 portions of 75g (3oz))
2 sheets of clear gelatine
375g (13.4oz) fresh strawberries
1.5 tbsp lemon juice
90g (3.2oz) Sionon articial sweetener
150ml (5.oz) whipping cream
4 tbsps water
Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water.
Wash the strawberries, then puree them
with the articial sweetener and the lemon
juice. Dissolve the gelatin in 4 tablespoons of
hot water. Stir the dissolved gelatin into the
strawberry puree. Let the mixture cool.
Whip the cream until stiff. Mix the whipped
cream with the rest of the ingredients.Make
sure that all the ingredients are thoroughly
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 25-35 minutes.
E Tip:
Instead of strawberries, you can also use 375g
(13.4oz) blackberries, raspberries, cranberries
or papaya, without affecting any of the values
stated below.
1 portion of ice cream of 75g (3oz) contains
95Kcal/395KJ, 3g (0.12oz) carbohydrate, 1g
(0.04oz) protein and 6g (0.24oz) fat
7.0.38 Dama Rosabianca
per portion
Strawberry or vanilla ice cream
1 dessert plate
1 orange in segments
½ passion fruit for decoration
Put the ice cream on the plate. Garnish with
orange segments and passion fruit.
7.0.39 Sugar-free ice cream
(for about 7 portions of 75g (3oz))
300ml (10.oz) whole milk
60ml (2.oz) whipping cream
60g (2.4oz) Sionon articial sweetener
2 eggs
20 drops vanilla essence
Beat the egg with the milk
Whip the cream with the articial sweetener
until almost stiff.
Fold the cream into the egg-milk mixture and
add the vanilla essence.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 30-40 minutes.
1 portion of ice cream of 75g (3oz) contains
85Kcal/355KJ, 2g (0.08oz) carbohydrate, 3g
(0.12oz) protein and 5g (0.2oz) fat.
E Tips:
The sugar-free recipes above contain so few
carbohydrates per portion that one portion
hardly affects your blood sugar level. You can
therefore eat this ice cream without having to
cut anything out of your diet.
If Sionon is not available, you may replace it
with a comparable articial sweetener. For
a proper consistency of the ice cream, you
need a powder sweetener with a volume
comparable to that of ordinary sugar. For this
reason, compact sweeteners (e.g. aspartame)
are unsuitable for ice cream making. Ask your
chemist, pharmacist or dietitian for advice.
Nowadays, diabetics can also eat dishes that
have been sweetened with ordinary sugar,
provided they stick to certain guidelines.
Consult your doctor or dietitian to nd out
which guidelines apply to you.